Voicemail: Strategize for Connection


In sales there has always been a controversy about voicemail. Do you leave one or not? In today’s busy B2B sales market, voicemail gets over-looked as a key sales strategy. Did you know that the average sales representative leaves about 16 hours of voicemail in a month? That is a lot of voicemail! Why then are we not strategizing this important tool more? Use voicemail as a valuable prospecting tool.

Most of the time sales people put little thought into what happens after the BEEP.

“Hi, this Bob with ABC Company. I would love to speak with you. Give me a call back at 555-5555.”

Voicemail is a tool that you have complete control over.  After the BEEP – is your chance to shine!

Here are a few tips to build a strong voicemail strategy:

1.  What results do you desire from the voicemail?  Define the action that you are looking for so that you can create the right call to action.  Are you looking for a call back?  Are you looking to connect online?  Are you looking for them to take your call the next time?  When you define the specific result you desire, then you can craft a proper message. Continue reading