24 Responses to the Dreaded Sales Objection “It Costs Too Much”

Stack of coins

Have you ever heard from a prospect that your price is too high?

Did you just hear it yesterday?  Last week?  Multiple times a week?

As I work with companies all across the globe, this objection seems to be consistent.  You do realize that buyers go through their own training, and are taught to say that to see if you are willing to drop your drawers, right?  The inexperienced sales professional easily falls for that trick.  The more savvy sales professional will seek to understand what the prospect is exactly looking for – as well as proactively handling this concern by asking key questions that highlight the value, and reason for the higher price (well, that is my hope, that you are doing that).

If you feel like you struggle with this in your every day consulting/selling, then I recommend reading this article I recently came across on HubSpot:  24 Responses to the Dreaded Sales Objection “It Costs Too Much.”  Click “Continue Reading” and select “Read Article”

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When Deals Stall Out

Barrier Roadblocks

Self- Analysis of the Situation:  Questions to Ask Yourself

Did I properly interpret the customer’s buying signs?

  • Did you create value?
  • Have you given the prospect a sense of urgency?
  • Are you giving them space and support through their buying fears?
  • Did I miss-interpret their commitment level?  Was it low commitment or high commitment?
  • Did you connect the dots of their needs to your value correctly?

Tips for Working Through the Stalled Sale:

Follow up with purpose

  • Create a purpose to your follow up.  Don’t just call and say “I’m following up” this creates no value for the prospect.  Continue to create value by offering them some additional information or re-defining an option or ask a question.  A voicemail that states “I’m just following up, give me a call back” can easily be ignored.  However, if you say – “I have more pieces of information that you may be interested in…give me a call back” or I wanted to clarify further a point we were discussing.. each voicemail gives your call a purpose and gives them a call to action.

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Register NOW – MWI Elite Sales Academy!

Register for the upcoming MWI Elite Sales Academy April 18th-22nd.

Human brain jigsaw puzzle with another three multicolor pieces

Here are few comments from this class this year:

“I learned so much around successful,  industry specific, selling strategies that I can’t wait to begin utilizing them.  They say “Knowledge is Power”.  After this training, “Knowledge is Money!”   –  Chris, QualPath, Inc.

“I signed up for this training to make me a better salesman. I can say without a doubt, that will happen!” – Jordan, Data-Line Office Systems

Register Button 2

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Voicemail: Strategize for Connection


In sales there has always been a controversy about voicemail. Do you leave one or not? In today’s busy B2B sales market, voicemail gets over-looked as a key sales strategy. Did you know that the average sales representative leaves about 16 hours of voicemail in a month? That is a lot of voicemail! Why then are we not strategizing this important tool more? Use voicemail as a valuable prospecting tool.

Most of the time sales people put little thought into what happens after the BEEP.

“Hi, this Bob with ABC Company. I would love to speak with you. Give me a call back at 555-5555.”

Voicemail is a tool that you have complete control over.  After the BEEP – is your chance to shine!

Here are a few tips to build a strong voicemail strategy:

1.  What results do you desire from the voicemail?  Define the action that you are looking for so that you can create the right call to action.  Are you looking for a call back?  Are you looking to connect online?  Are you looking for them to take your call the next time?  When you define the specific result you desire, then you can craft a proper message. Continue reading

Before the Meeting: Right Impressions

First Impressions 1

As salespeople you know the three second rule – that people are forming opinions about you in the first three seconds of meeting you.  However, in this digital age people are now forming opinions about you before you even meet.  Are you making the right impression before the meeting?

Here are 10 tips to keep you making the right impression:

Online Profile:

  1. Make sure that your online profile especially on LinkedIn is professional.  Executives will research those that they are scheduled to meet with.  They want to know if this person is worth their time.  Keep your online profile up to date.
  2. Restrict your privacy on Facebook and other social sites.  You do not want business associates having access to questionable information about you.
  3. Have someone take a professional photo of you to use on social media for business.  Keeping in mind that you are a brand.  Your image is important.

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As we start 2015, everyone is talking about New Year’s Resolutions and setting goals.  The fact of the matter is that most people don’t have a good system for setting goals that materialize into results.  When people ask me what my formula for success is, I explain to them that throughout my life I have followed these 11 vital steps that are wildly successful in accomplishing and realizing the life that you want.

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