The Power of Gratitude

Most of us get caught up in our daily frustrations and or sales deals not closing. However, if we take a moment to sit in gratitude for the things in our life that we usually take for granted, amazing things happen. Take a moment to listen to this quick video where Melissa talks about The Power of Gratitude, Giving and Receiving, and The Law of Energy!

Have a great week!

Melissa D. Whitaker

Improve Sales Performance 44% With This One Change

Do you want to increase sales?

If not, stop reading this . . .

According to a recent study by Xceleration, “incentive programs can increase performance by 22% while a 44% performance  increase is found in programs that run for a year or more.”

The question is, do you know what motivates your people?  A one-size-fits-all approach no longer works.  It is vital that you take the time and create programs that create the following benefits:

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The War For The Modern Office Has Begun


In 2015, Print Audit was proud to introduce you to The 7 Deadly Sinners of the Office Equipment Industry.  They shared the good, the bad, and the exciting issues facing our channel.  From e-books to comics, the Sinners gave us lots to think about and fresh ideas for growing our dealerships.

But like any strong alliance there comes a time when heroes must meet their match. Introducing The Avengettes, 7 of the most powerful and influential women in our space. Click “Read Article” to read West McDonald, Vice President of Business Development, Print Audit and Owner, FocusMPS‘ Blog and download a copy of the e-Book.  Meet the Avengettes & Sinners.

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How is Melissa Whitaker International Different?

At Melissa Whitaker International (MWI), we are asked on a regular basis “How are we  different?”  “There are A LOT of Sales & Management Training Companies out there, so why should I do business with you?  Here at MWI we have a very different approach:

  • We believe in authentic selling.  Developing sales teams to be conversational, trust-worthy and show their strengths.  We don’t believe in “old school selling.”

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Are You Mentally Strong?

In my experience the most successful people are what some people call “Mentally Strong.”  I was sent an article today called “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do” by Amy Morin, and I know by personal experience this is right on.  So the question is, where do you measure yourself in these 13 points?  Are there areas of your life that you can stretch yourself to be better?  To do better? By applying some of these key points in your life you will be happier and more successful in whatever you do.  Take a moment to read the article (link below) and give yourself a “self evaluation.”  Life is too short!


Writing Sales Emails that Get Noticed

I come across sales people in various industries that all have a different opinion when it comes to prospecting through email.  In some industries it seems to be more successful than others.  My question is, is it more successful truly because of specific industries, or is it attributed to the way an email is designed and delivered?

Bryan A. Garner wrote an interesting article in the HBR (Harvard Business Review)

Write E-Mails That People Won’t Ignore

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