Struggle with Closing More Deals?

The real reason sales people struggle to close more deals . . . .

I hear weekly from sales people that they need help in doing a better job closing deals and my first question to them is how did they start the conversation?  Did they do every step of a thorough sales process that we have talked about?  or Did they take short cuts hoping that they could close faster?

I came across this article by Bob Apollo and he nails it on the head for what I consult, train and coach sales reps around this topic.  Take a moment to read this article and ask yourself, are you slowing down enough to speed up the sale?

Make it a great day!

Melissa D. Whitaker

Do You Have G.R.I.T. in Sales?


As a sales professional do you have what it takes?  Do you have G.R.I.T.?  As I continue to travel the Globe, I realize we should be asking this question more often.

GUTS:  This means – personal courage and determination; toughness of character.  We have to be brave and courageous to attack each day with the right mindset and ability to be BOLD.  As I worked with another sales team last week filled with Major Account and Named Account reps, I am reminded once again that no matter what level we are at (new or tenured), we have to make this conscious choice every day.  We will continue to battle frustrations from within our own organization and frustrations with reaching the right decision makers and influencers.  We have to be creative and constantly evolve in changing times.  Just because it is uncomfortable, or “you have always done it another way,” doesn’t mean you don’t have it in you to stretch and see the magic outside of your comfort zone.  We ask our prospects and clients to make a change with us every day.  So why are we so unwilling to change and evolve ourselves?  So we have to ask, do we have the GUTS to strive on?  Do we have the determination to Be Bold in our approach?

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Melissa Whitaker International (MWI) 2016 Training Schedule

January 18th – 22nd            New Content! – MWI Elite Sales Academy Live  Web Based

February 8th – 12th              MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

March 14th – 18th                MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

April 18th – 22nd                   MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

May 10th -11th                   NEW! – MWI Management Leadership Class (In Person-Chicago)

May 16th – 20th                    MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

June 7th – 8th                    NEW! – MWI Management Leadership Class (In Person-Chicago)

June 14th – 16th                   MWI Elite Sales Academy (In Person – Chicago)

June 20th – 24th                   MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

July 11th – 12th                  NEW! – MWI Management Leadership Class (In Person-Chicago – Added Class)

July 18th – 22nd                    MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

August 15th – 19th                MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

October 11th–12th              NEW!- MWI Management Leadership Class (In Person-Chicago)

October 17th – 21st              MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

November 14th – 18th          MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

December 12th – 16th          MWI Elite Sales Academy Live Web Based Class

To Register for a class either call Melissa Whitaker at 847.845.4922.

*Also, if you have 6 or more sales people, you qualify for and can schedule, Melissa to come to your facility to do “on-site” training for your team.  90 day, 6 month and 9 month programs are also available.

Best of Schaumburg Award 2015

Best of 2015 Schaumburg_MWI Photographic Services


Melissa Whitaker International, LLC Receives 2015 Best of Schaumburg Award

Schaumburg Award Program Honors the Achievement

SCHAUMBURG November 25, 2015 — Melissa Whitaker International, LLC has been selected for the 2015 Best of Schaumburg Award in the Photographic Services category by the Schaumburg Award Program.

Each year, the Schaumburg Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the Schaumburg area a great place to live, work and play.

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American Leadership Award 2015

MWI American Leadership Award 2015


Melissa Whitaker receives 2015 American Leadership Award 

November 25th 2015 – Melissa Whitaker has been selected for the 2015 American Leadership Award amongst all its peers and competitors by the American Economic Institute (AEI).

Each year the AEI conducts business surveys and industry research to identify companies that have achieved demonstrable success in their local business environment and industry category. They are recognized as having enhanced the commitment and contribution of small businesses through service to their customers and community.

Melissa Whitaker has consistently demonstrated a high regard for upholding business ethics and company values. This recognition by AEI marks a significant achievement as an emerging leader within various competitors and is setting benchmarks that the industry should follow.

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Consistently Inconsistent Sales Reps?

Consistently Inconsistent Sales Reps?

Is your team filled with consistently inconsistent sales? Do your sales reps make the quota one month and miss the next? Do they seem to have the skills but their performance is chaotic? What is causing all of this inconsistency?

Common Problems:

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How is Melissa Whitaker International Different?

At Melissa Whitaker International (MWI), we are asked on a regular basis “How are we  different?”  “There are A LOT of Sales & Management Training Companies out there, so why should I do business with you?  Here at MWI we have a very different approach:

  • We believe in authentic selling.  Developing sales teams to be conversational, trust-worthy and show their strengths.  We don’t believe in “old school selling.”

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