Networking is a Sales Professional’s Bread and Butter

By RJ Sales & Leadership Reports

Much of your success in sales is based on your ability to network effectively. Without connections, it’s not just your client base that will be limited, but also prospective partners, marketplace competitors, and intra-organizational individuals with whom you can exchange insights. Networking goes beyond the simple act of handing out calling cards or fliers nor is it just about filling up your contact list in a shorter amount of time. This business strategy of cultivating relationships with people or groups that matter is a powerful tool for a sales professional.

Here are some of the reasons why your career in sales could be enriched by networking:

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The Ripple Effect You Create as a Manager

What kind of Manager are you?  How well is your team performing?

Monique Valcour wrote an interesting article in the Harvard Business Review called “The Ripple Effect You Create as a Manager.”  I agree with Monique that who we are as a person and our personal beliefs permeate how we manage others.  This can have positive effects and /or negative consequences when managing and building a winning team of people.

Take a look at the article below and see what you relate to.  Also take a look at Monique’s 5 ways you can radiate positive, productive energy through employees at your workplace and out through their work-life networks.  By doing this you will increase overall effectiveness, build camaraderie and ultimately have better results.

The Lost Art of Handwritten “Thank You” Notes

I find today that we are so caught up in high technology through emails, texting & social media that we have forgotten the weight that handwritten letters and notes have with each of us as human beings.  I came across this article that articulates this message very well.  Take a moment to see what John Coleman wrote in the Harvard Business Review (HBR):

“Handwritten notes are a rare commodity”