What is Your Legacy as a Sales Manager and or Leader?

Happy businessmen discussing business report sitting at meeting table in office.

“Leadership flows out of what we do and who we are.”  – Dan Flow, CEO & Chairman (Flow Companies, Inc.)

My question to you today is “Do you care?”  Do you truly care about:

  • Your People?
  • Your Customers?
  • Your Community?

As a Sales Manager and or Leader of your company, I want you to take a moment to ask yourself what kind of legacy are you leaving?  Are you showing up each and every day to just get by?  To just do a job?  I hope not.  As leaders, we impact every person we engage with (good or bad).

Do you want to be known as a person who truly cares about your people, your customers, and your community?  What are you intentionally doing to build up others and keep your promises.  One thing we have in life is OUR WORD.  Are you keeping your word?  Are you pulling the greatness out of your people?  Are you asking what you can do to help customers daily in the field?  Are you willing to give back?

Your People

Let’s start with discussing your people.  You have been put in your position to help your people create results.  This starts at the human element.  Your people are just that – PEOPLE.  They are not a number, they are human beings with all the complexities life brings at us.  Have you taken the time to notice what your people are doing right?  Have you given an ata boy or ata girl about that?  We are constantly told to point out what people AREN’T doing, however we are not reminded to look for and reinforce what people ARE doing well.  So take a moment today to intentionally look for what your people are doing RIGHT and thank them for doing a great job!  Ultimately your people want to know if you care about them and their lives.  When you show that you care, your people will care more about creating results for you!  “The essence of effective coaching is treating people the way they can be, not the way they are.”

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Improve Sales Performance 44% With This One Change

Do you want to increase sales?

If not, stop reading this . . .

According to a recent study by Xceleration, “incentive programs can increase performance by 22% while a 44% performance  increase is found in programs that run for a year or more.”

The question is, do you know what motivates your people?  A one-size-fits-all approach no longer works.  It is vital that you take the time and create programs that create the following benefits:

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The War For The Modern Office Has Begun


In 2015, Print Audit was proud to introduce you to The 7 Deadly Sinners of the Office Equipment Industry.  They shared the good, the bad, and the exciting issues facing our channel.  From e-books to comics, the Sinners gave us lots to think about and fresh ideas for growing our dealerships.

But like any strong alliance there comes a time when heroes must meet their match. Introducing The Avengettes, 7 of the most powerful and influential women in our space. Click “Read Article” to read West McDonald, Vice President of Business Development, Print Audit and Owner, FocusMPS‘ Blog and download a copy of the e-Book.  Meet the Avengettes & Sinners.

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MWI Elite Sales Academy Successes & Registration

We just launched our BRAND NEW Content for MWI Elite Sales Academy last week and it was GREAT!!!  We had an awesome class filled with eager “tenured” sales people who were looking to elevate their game and also transition into the Digital Imaging World.


Here are few comments from that class:

“I learned so much around successful,  industry specific, selling strategies that I can’t wait to begin utilizing them.  They say “Knowledge is Power”.  After this training, “Knowledge is Money!”   –  Chris, QualPath, Inc.

“I signed up for this training to make me a better salesman. I can say without a doubt, that will happen!” – Jordan, Data-Line Office Systems

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Permission to Play Values?

Do you know what your “Core Values” are?  How about your “Aspirational Values,” “Accidental Values,” or “Permission to Play Values?”  Do I have your attention . . .?

Patrick Lencioni is on of my favorite authors.  He has his own consulting firm called The Table Group and has written many books.  A recent book he wrote is directed towards families, but he applies business principals that work.

He defines and talks about the importance that companies and families need to know what their values are in all 4 categories.

“The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family:

Check it out . . . http://www.tablegroup.com/books/frantic