Do You Wonder Why You Aren’t Further Along?

If 2015 is going to be your year, then your commitment level to achieve greatness has to be taken to a higher level.  The reality is we are all human and many times we don’t want to take that extra step or push through when we’re tired.  We are our own worst enemy.  However, we all have greatness in us, we just have to have the discipline and commitment to realize our potential.  Turn your pain into greatness.  I know you can do it!  Do you?

Watch this video on commitment to inspire you what you are capable of:

“You have to want to succeed as bad as you want to breath.”



As we start 2015, everyone is talking about New Year’s Resolutions and setting goals.  The fact of the matter is that most people don’t have a good system for setting goals that materialize into results.  When people ask me what my formula for success is, I explain to them that throughout my life I have followed these 11 vital steps that are wildly successful in accomplishing and realizing the life that you want.

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The Prescription for Keeping Top Performers

In June 2014 a Forbes article circulated on LinkedIn entitled, “Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less”.  Within the article were some startling statistics:

  • The average raise an employee can expect in 2014 is 3%, but given the cost of inflation, it actually amounts to more like 1% in additional spending power.
  • If an employee leaves a company, however, they can look forward to a 10%-20% increase in salary. In extreme cases, they may even see as much as a 50% increase.  As well as the overall costs of replacing an employee when truly analyzed can cost your company thousands of dollars.  In fact, statistics state that it costs:

What these statistics show us is that it is more advantageous for employees to leave their current situation and change jobs than be loyal.  As managers, it can feel like your staff are jumping ship left and right for greener fields elsewhere.  How does one create an environment of retention against the trends?

  • For entry-level employees, it costs between 30% and 50% of their annual salary to replace them.
  • For mid-level employees, it costs upwards of 150% of their annual salary to replace them.
  • For high-level or highly specialized employees, you’re looking at 400% of their annual salary.                (Ross Blake of Retention Associates)

Have a Retention Plan:

Most managers do not actually sit down and develop a plan about how you cultivate an environment that keeps your employees there.  Here are key prescriptions that are needed:

Step 1: Frequent Recognition

  • Recognition from Managers to Direct Reports
  • Recognition from Colleagues
  • Know results, qualities & behaviors you want to reinforce
  • Be Creative

Out of ALL the activities you engage in as a LEADER, “Catching people doing things right” –and recognizing them for it –needs to be one of your TOP PRIORITIES!

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Does Anyone Answer Their Phone Anymore?

Are you tired of leaving voicemail after voicemail?

No one returning your calls?

“I have tried calling this person 5 times and I can’t get through.”

“How can I sell something when I am not talking to anyone?”

That’s right.  You can’t sell if you are not talking to anyone.  It’s time to take action.  This dilemma is a common one these days, people are just too busy to be on the phone.  If it can go to email or voicemail, they let it go so that they can prioritize their needs better.

But how do you form a relationship with a prospect if you cannot talk to that person?  Remember that sales is a puzzle waiting to be solved.  Trying different approaches with different people can get you farther.

5 Tips To Get Prospects To Pick Up The Phone:

Here are a few things to try:

1.  Call at varied times of the day.  Not getting through during normal business hours then try first thing in the morning before 8:30am or right after business hours end.  Many prospects are so busy handling their daily business during regular hours that even though they want to talk to you, they just have not had time.  Persistence and varied call times may be the key.

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1.  Poor Organization 

Many salespeople do not plan their time in advance nor do they approach prospecting with an organized game plan.  Prospecting is either, omitted, postponed, or not given enough time and energy to generate sufficient qualified exposure.

2.  Fear of Failure (FOF) 

This is a psychological phenomenon that manifests itself in some salespeople.  They are afraid to work because they are afraid that they may fail.  And, of course, not working causes them to fail thereby epitomizing the self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Creative Prospecting Tips to Get Noticed

Be Noticed!

Creative Prospecting Tips to Get Noticed.

How to get that ideal client to notice you.

Do you have a specific prospect that you desire to do business with?  Your ideal customer may take extra effort to schedule a meeting.  Some prospects need creativity to get you noticed in a world of busyness.

Here are some creative prospecting ideas to try:

1.  Read the business section of the newspaper.  Notice accomplishments of other companies and call to congratulate them.  Better yet – write a hand written note of congrats to them for their accomplishment.  This can be especially personal if you have a local newspaper or community paper that publishes this kind of information.

2.  Have a fun/inspiring quote printed on 4 x 6 card stock to leave with gatekeeper during face/face prospecting and have contact information printed on back.  Tell them that you just want them to have a good day today.

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Maximize Your Talent: Hire the Right People

8 Key Interview Questions for You

Asking the right questions is a crucial part of the selling process.  It is just as crucial in the hiring process.

How many times have you hired a new person only to realize after a couple weeks that he/she is not what you had hoped?  Interview questions should have the same layered approach as when you speak to customers.  It is your job to uncover the details.  You want your team to succeed.

So many managers like to fill their team with “mini-me” versions of themselves only because they are drawn to them on a personal level during the interview.  Be aware of this tendency and think about how a true team needs a variety of skill levels.  Analyze what your current team has to offer and think about their weaknesses – then begin to interview the prospects.  Your goal is to have a top performing team.

Before the Interview: Interview Yourself

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2014 Sales Evolution: 10 Tips to Differentiate Yourself

Looking for new ways to make yourself noticed?  Getting people to pay attention to what you have to say is one of the hardest jobs.  Everyone’s first reaction is to get a salesperson to leave or to get them off the phone as soon as possible.  How do you get busy people to take a moment of time?

Here are 10 Tips to Differentiate Yourself:

  1. Make contacting current customers part of your routine.  Send the message that their satisfaction is important.  Don’t always try to sell something.  Just check in.  Watch for opportunities to arise where you can go deeper, wider, broader.  Your current customers are your best asset.
  2. Think of yourself as a business asset.  You want to be the voice of your customers, helping them succeed.  The focus is on them, not you getting the sale.  Ask questions to understand their business better.
  3. Always ask for referrals.  If someone was happy with what you provided, they will be happy to send a few names your way.
  4. Follow up!  Most companies are used to the salesperson being there to sell to them and then they disappear.  Set yourself a reminder to follow up in a week, 30 days, 60 days.  Keep communication going long after the sale is complete.
  5. Reach out to potential customers in a multitude of ways – in person, phone, email, social media.  It takes 8 -10 touches to get someone’s attention.  Be persistent. Use variety to get yourself noticed.
  6. Use a sense of humor!  Everyone loves to laugh.  In our busy lives, we can all use to lighten up a bit.  Use humor when appropriate.
  7. View prospecting as growing contacts.  A farmer puts lots of time into his fields to reap the harvest.  Put lots of time and effort into building up new contacts for future business.  Grow your field for future harvest.  Don’t turn off your prospects by trying to sell something they do not need right now.  Grow your contacts and be there when they need something.
  8. Create Urgency.  Show your customer the cost of not making a change – put value to the change.  When the customer sees the value in the change, they will close the sale quickly.  Showing them that you are a business asset.
  9. Listen, listen, listen!  Listening has so many benefits and builds trust.  Be someone who can be trusted.
  10. Timing is Everything!  Communicating on a consistent basis allows you to be there at the right time.  Making yourself known to those in your territory so when the timing is right you are there.


Permission to Play Values?

Do you know what your “Core Values” are?  How about your “Aspirational Values,” “Accidental Values,” or “Permission to Play Values?”  Do I have your attention . . .?

Patrick Lencioni is on of my favorite authors.  He has his own consulting firm called The Table Group and has written many books.  A recent book he wrote is directed towards families, but he applies business principals that work.

He defines and talks about the importance that companies and families need to know what their values are in all 4 categories.

“The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family:

Check it out . . .

Melissa’s 2014 Calendar

Book Early —- Not many dates left!!!

  • January – Booked Onsite Dates:  2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 31 (Chicago Locations)
  • February – Booked Onsite Dates: 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24 (Chicago Locations) , 25-27th (Texas MWI Elite Sales Training), 28 (Chicago Location)
  • March – Booked Onsite Dates:  3, 5, 7 (Chicago Locations),17, 19, 21, 24, 26 (Chicago Locations), 27- 28th (Atlanta Onsite), 31 (Chicago Location) Live Web Based Dates:   10-14th Pros Elite Sponsored MWI Elite Sales Academy Web Based Class
  • April – Booked Onsite Dates:  2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21(Chicago Locations), 22 – 23rd Pros Elite Sponsored MWI/Pros Elite Advanced Sales Manager Training (Tampa, FL), 24, 25, 28 (Chicago Locations)
  • May – Booked Onsite Dates:  2, 5, 7, 9 , 12, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30 (Chicago Locations), 6, 8, & 13th (MWI Elite Sales Training Chicago onsite location)
  • June – Booked Onsite Dates: 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13,23, 25, 27, 30 (Chicago Locations) Live Web Based Dates: 16-20 Pros Elite Sponsored MWI Elite Sales Academy Web Based Class 

Upcoming Dates:

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