Do you have a higher purpose?

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Compassion Trip – Baja Mexico June 2015

It has been heavy on my heart since 2011 to be able to give back in a much bigger way.  Do you have a higher purpose?  Do you know what your higher purpose is?

MWI was honored to participate in a 7 day compassion trip to an orphanage located in the Baja California region of Mexico.  The orphanage provides care for 90 children in a loving environment.  The Mission provides seven family units of 12 children between the ages of 2 to 20 years.  Single moms live with the children providing a loving home atmosphere while a married couple provide the oversight of ten teenage boys.  A nursery mother provides around-the-clock care for newborns and toddlers.  Infants with special needs, such as cleft lip palate or other physical disabilities are also lovingly care for by experienced staff.

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Management: Boosting Summer Sales


As summertime gets underway it is important to re-direct your team to activities that are productive.  It is easy to buy into the summertime mantra of relaxation.  Some sales managers and sales reps regard low sales production during the summer as unavoidable. Others see it as a more challenging, but not impossible, time of the year to make sales. Those who have a plan during the summer months will see their pipeline increase.

Here are some questions to discuss with your sales team:

  • “What are the monthly averages for sales during June, July & August of the last three years?”
  • “Which summer month is typically the lowest in sales?”
  • “What vertical markets can we target during the summer months?”

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7 Quick Ways to Kick-Start Sales This Summer

Summer’s in full swing and it seems like every week holds a holiday or employee vacation. All of that disruption can wreak havoc on your productivity and leave projects lingering.  Sales can take patience and juggling through all the craziness of summer schedules.  Be intentional and implement these 7 tips to skyrocket your sales.

Here are 7 quick tips to keep summer sales flowing:

1.  Plan Your Day

It is easy to give in to the summer idea of relaxation however it is important to keep activity moving through the summer months.  Taking 15 minutes at the end of your day to plan tomorrow can increase your activity

2.  Create Urgency

It is easy for prospects to use the summer as an objection and a reason to put off meeting until later.  Create urgency by stating the value of what you have to offer and how it will benefit them with immediate results.

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Prospecting in the Summer


“It’s summer. No one is around. Why prospect?” WRONG!

It is summer – get out there and prospect even more! Summertime is the perfect opportunity to fill your pipeline full of “ideal clients.”  Here are 10 ideas on how to ramp up and fill your pipeline/funnel:

  1. Attend local events
  2. Potential Prospects – Attend their sponsored events to learn about their company
  3. Friday Afternoons – Great time to make connections with decision makers
  4. Use social media to make more connections
  5. Research ideal clients – make a targeted list of prospects
  6. Do a Customer Survey – Touch current accounts and see if you offer additional products and services.
  7. Re-connect with leads that went cold – Take a look at past leads where the timing was not right.  Make an effort to re-connect, now may just be the right time.
  8. Have a growth mindset – Think positive about all the great connections and ideal clients you will come in contact with this summer.
  9. It is about them – not YOU.  Remember to always create value for your prospects and show the ways you can expand their business.
  10. Have fun – summer is a great time to meet new people.
