Your #1 priority as a Manager is to develop your people. Building a “team of ultimate fighters” isn’t going to happen overnight. However, by implementing a step by step approach over time, you will have a winning team, and be able to make quicker decisions. Being a coach is a vital part of your job. Not only do your employees look to you for direction, they need on-going coaching to understand and measure where they are today, and what steps to take to achieve greatness.
“Effective coaches focus on what they can do now to make what they want to happen in the future happen.” – Jim Stanley
Most managers unfortunately point out every time an employee does something wrong, but don’t give out praise when someone does something correct or good. The problem with that is employees end up feeling demoralized instead of encouraged. Also, if a company does not give employees tools to succeed and a road map for success, how realistic is it to expect greatness? Why do you think most managers don’t implement “effective coaching?” Below you will find the typical barriers preventing Managers from coaching:
- Inappropriate Timing / Poor Time Management
- Competing Pressures: Managers have A LOT to juggle
- Lack of Reinforcement
- Fear of Coaching
- Inadequate Models
- Lack of Follow Through
Even though there may be many excuses on why you don’t take the time. They are just that – EXCUSES. You need to make it a priority to coach your people. The benefits come back to you ten fold. Great teams are built by having an effective coach. If you need to have a roadmap and examples of how to do that, attend our Advanced Sales Manager class (in Alliance with Pros Elite Group). We go over how to be an effective coach, the benefits on why you want to do that. And we take the time to look in the mirror to see what areas you can work on to raise the bar. For more information on this class call Tammi Ashburn at 847-975-1348 or .