MWI Becomes Authorized Distributor of DiSC Personality Profiles


Melissa Whitaker International becomes Authorized Distributor for International Training Company (DiSC Personality Profiles)

Schaumburg, IL – August 23, 2013 – Melissa D. Whitaker of Melissa Whitaker International in Schaumburg Illinois announced today that she has successfully completed the application process with Inscape Publishing, Inc. to become an Inscape Authorized Distributor. Melissa Whitaker is now among more than 2,500 independent trainers, coaches and consultants in North America authorized to use Inscape’s industry-leading DiSC® learning instrument along with a host of assessments dealing with leadership, teamwork, sales, management, communication and more, to augment their training and development solutions.

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Register Now: Need Help Training Your New Sales People?

Top Gun Sales Training2

Melissa Whitaker International (MWI) and Pros Elite Group have been asked many times over the past couple of years for a “New Hire” Sales training class that can be instructor led  – but webinar based.  So if you have new hires and need help training them to hit the ground running, please click on the link below to read more about (and register) the upcoming MWI’S ELITE SALES ACADEMY class being held August 12th – 16th 8:30am – 12:30pm CDT.  A sales workbook will be sent to each registered attendee before the class starts.

Some testimonials from the June class:

“Melissa Whitaker expertly walked us through all of the key steps to making successful
prospecting calls.  The various role playing scenarios combined with
constructive group feedback helped to sharpen my pitch and cater each call to
who I am speaking with.  She was thorough, professional and knew how to
keep things entertaining in a sometimes difficult webinar environment.”
– Ben Pearson, Account Manager. Rival Office Solutions.

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Productive Sales Calls

Are your sales calls as productive as you’d like them to be? Ever wonder why you make so many calls with nothing to show for it?  Sales people are always asking me what are the “best practices” they should implement to be successful. While I go over with them how to create good habits and best practices, I also go over avoiding pitfalls.  I recently came across a good slide show presentation that talks about the “10 Mistakes that Kill Sales Calls” by Sales Benchmark Index.  This presentation has some good things to remember on what NOT to do.  Take a look by clicking on the link below.
