Melissa D. Whitaker Hits Best Seller List

Sales And Management Expert Melissa D. Whitaker Hits Best Seller List

Melissa D. Whitaker, author and business consultant, recently hit three separate best-seller lists with the new business book “Pushing To The Front.”

Orlando, Fla. – October 13, 2011 – Melissa D. Whitaker, Founder of Melissa Whitaker International, recently joined best-selling author and speaker, Brian Tracy and several leading businesspeople and entrepreneurs from around the world to co-write the book titled, Pushing To The Front: Front Line Strategies From The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs.  Nick Nanton, Esq. along with business partner, JW Dicks, Esq., recently signed a publishing deal with each of these authors to contribute their expertise to the book, which was released under their CelebrityPress™ imprint.

Pushing To The Front: Front Line Strategies From The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs was released on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 and features top advice from leading entrepreneurs and marketing experts from across the globe.  The authors offer proven business strategies to help people adapt and thrive in the new economy. Melissa D. Whitaker contributed a chapter titled “Goals: The 11 Vital Steps To Achieving Extraordinary Results.”

On the day of release, Pushing To The Front reached best-seller status in three separate categories.  The book reached #6 in the Direct Marketing category, and was a top seller in both the Communications and Entrepreneurship categories.

Melissa D. Whitaker is a sales & management expert, business consultant and published author who helps executives and their teams achieve alignment and drive profitable sales. Utilizing superior consultative approaches and talk tracks, she has successfully trained over 400 sales representatives to maximize their sales and develop long-lasting, stronger client relationships. A dynamic and passionate leader, Melissa has helped over 60 companies run more effective Sales Departments by increasing sales revenue, gross profit and company morale.
Melissa’s high-performance, customized training consultations and proven selling system help you drive performance, generate new prospects, improve negotiation skills and ultimately win more sales.

About the Book:
TO PUSH OR NOT TO PUSH – is that the question? What is the importance of pushing ourselves? …Why do we push? Pushing implies effort, Effort implies desire, Desire implies emotion, and emotion implies passion. If this is accurate for most of us, Pushing To The Front assumes a passionate mindset. The Celebrity Authors in this book have one thing in common – passion for their goals. They have ‘blood, sweat and tears’ invested to make a success of their pursuits. Now, we all have passion, which is one part of the menu for success – but: Do we have a plan to utilize and direct that passion? The Celebrity Experts in their field in this book have developed multiple methods to succeed in their fields. They started out looking to improve their health, wealth and success in their lives. See how they achieved their success. They will show you their secrets. With odds not much different to yours, and at times much more difficult, read how these Celebrity Experts have done it, then copy these methods of “Pushing To The Front” to achieve YOUR goals. One finds limits by pushing them. ~ Herbert Simon

After such a successful release Melissa D. Whitaker will be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.

To order a copy of the book, go to

To learn more about Melissa D. Whitaker please visit

More about Melissa D. Whitaker:
After 14 years of proven sales & management results with leading organizations – Impact Networking, Toshiba America Business Solutions & Chicago Office Technology Group (COTG/GISX/XEROX), Melissa D. Whitaker founded Melissa Whitaker International.

Prior to founding Melissa Whitaker International (MWI), Melissa was the Director of Professional Development & Managed Print Services for a $40 million dollar technology company. Also prior to that, as a Global Relationship Manager & Business Analyst for a $54.3 billion dollar international organization, she helped 55 different companies gain market share within their respective industries by focusing on identifying and developing business opportunities with enterprise-wide cost reduction strategies.

To learn more about Melissa D. Whitaker (Melissa Whitaker International) and how your business and team can increase revenue, profits, commissions and market share, visit or call 1.847.845.4922.

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