Health & Wellness

During this season of uncertainty and yet potential, we asked our clients what they need the most from us. The resounding request was to help our clients with their mental and physical health. In November 2021 we launched a new Health & Wellness Division to come along side our clients to help them bridge this gap. Our clients said that over the past 3 years, due to the pandemic, they felt isolated which took a toll on their mental and physical health. A lot of our clients gained weight during this time and their health has suffered.

Since we have always done Business Transformation, adding on Health Transformation seemed to have the perfect alignment with our mission of "Total Transformation."

Melissa Whitaker, CEO & Founder of MWI also went through her own personal health transformation in 2021. Like many others, she was feeling overweight, tired, frustrated and had a lot of joint pain. She had tried many different programs herself over the course of 6 years until she was introduced to a health program that changed it ALL for her. In 2021 she worked with a health coach and a new health program that allowed her to lose 40 lbs. in just 4.5 months. She was so thrilled by her results that it made sense to come along others who were also struggling with this issue and provide a solid foundation for success.

Corporate Health & Wellness

  • "Better YOU" Employee Wellness Challenges, Better Engagement, Better Results
  • Personal Accountability Coaching & Advanced, Time-Saving Wellness Technology

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  • Coaching: Our clients receive on-going coaching & accountability throughout their health journey.
  • Education: Anyone can eat nutritional food and drink a good amount of water, however without the proper education to learn the tools that we can implement for long term sustainable results we can't achieve total health transformation. That is why we provide the educational books and videos that guide our clients step by step to total health transformation.
  • Community: We all need support and community for motivation and encouragement. MWI believes in sharing best practices with a tribe of people who are like minded and want to see you succeed. We provide you with a private community that is a safe space to share your own successes, ask questions, and look for feedback.
  • Nutrition: We have partnered with an organization that provides all of the nutrition we use in our programs. We do however have different programs for people according to your health goals and your current health status.

If you would like help in this area, don't hesitate to book a one-on-one Health & Wellness call with Melissa and her team. To book a time with Melissa and her team, click the link below to schedule an appointment.

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